Name: Caihong Jia

Gender: Female Position: Associate Professor
E-mail: Department: Physics
Short Biography:
1981.11.10, Born;
2000.9.1-2004.6.30, Physics, Henan University, Bachelor;
2004.09.01-2007.06.30, Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics, Henan University, Master;
2007.09.01-2010.06.30, Material Physics and Chemistry, Institute of Semiconductor, Chinese Academy of Science, PHD;
2010.07.01-2012.09.01, Henan University, lecturer;
2012.09.01-until now, Henan University, Associate Professor.
Research interests:
1. Ferroelectric resistive switching
2. Growth and surface property of 2D atomic crystal
Major publications:
1. Caihong Jia*, Xiaoqian Yin, Guang Yang, Yonghui Wu, Jiachen Li, Yonghai Chen, Weifeng Zhang*, Epitaxial growth of BaTiO3/ZnO heterojunctions and transition from rectification to bipolar resistive switching effect, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 113506, (2017).
2. Caihong Jia, Xianwen Sun, Guoqiang Li, Yonghai Chen, Weifeng Zhang*, Origin of attendant behaviors of bipolar resistive switching and negative differential resistance in Nb:SrTiO3/ZnO heterojunctions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 043501, (2014).
3. Yong Ren, Jiachen Li, Weifeng Zhang, Caihong Jia*, Multi-level resistive switching behaviors and retention characteristics in ZnO/Nb:SrTiO3 heterojunctions, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 405111, (2017).
4. Ming Han, Yong Ren, Jiachen Li, Yonghai Chen, Weifeng Zhang, Caihong Jia*, Enhancing rectification of Nb:SrTiO3/ZnO heterojunctions by magnetic field, Vacuum, 142, 66, (2017).
5. Yinglong Fang, Jiachen Li, Yonghai Chen, Weifeng Zhang, Caihong Jia*, Magnetic field-induced bipolar resistive switching and negative differential resistance in (110)SrTiO3:Nb/ZnO heterojunctions, Physica B, 521, 69 (2017).
6. Caihong Jia*, Jiachen Li, Guang Yang, Yonghai Chen, Weifeng Zhang*, Ferroelectric field effect induced asymmetric resistive switching effect in BaTiO3/Nb:SrTiO3 epitaxial heterojunctions, Nanoscale Research Letters, 13: 102 (2018).
7. Caihong Jia*, Yong Ren, Guang Yang, Jiachen Li, Yonghai Chen, Weifeng Zhang*, Asymmetric resistive switching effect in ZnO/Nb:SrTiO3 heterojunctions, Applied Physics A 124: 189 (2018).
8. Jiachen Li, Guang Yang, Yonghui Wu, Weifeng Zhang, Caihong Jia*, Asymmetric resistive switching effect in Au/Nb:SrTiO3 Schottky junctions, Physica Status Solidi A, (2018), 1700912.
9. Qiong Zhang, Caihong Jia*, Weiwan Liu, Weifeng Zhang*, Effect of sweeping voltage and compliance current on bipolar resistive switching and white-light controlled Schottky behavior in epitaxial BaTiO3 (111) thin films, Mater. Sci. Semi. Proc. 41, 544 (2016).
10. Weiwan Liu, Caihong Jia*, Qiong Zhang, Weifeng Zhang*, Mechanism of rectification and two-type bipolar resistance switching behaviors of Pt/Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3/Nb:SrTiO3, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48, 485102 (2015).
11. Caihong Jia, Shan Wang, Yonghui Wu, Yonghai Chen, Xianwen Sun, Weifeng Zhang, Epitaxial properties of ZnO thin films on LaAlO3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition, J. Crystal Growth 421, 19 (2015).
12. Guang Yang, Caihong Jia*, Yonghai Chen, Xin Chen, Weifeng Zhang*, Negative differential resistance and resistance switching behaviors in BaTiO3 thin films, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 204515 (2014).
13. Xin Chen, Caihong Jia*, Yonghai Chen, Guang Yang, Weifeng Zhang, Ferroelectric memristive effect in BaTiO3 epitaxial thin films, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47, 365102, (2014).
14. Xiuwen Chen, Caihong Jia*, Yonghai Chen, Hongtao Wang, Weifeng Zhang*, Epitaxial growth and optical properties of Al- and N-polar AlN films by laser molecular beam epitaxy, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47,125303 (2014).
15. Hongtao Wang, Caihong Jia*, Jiankai Xu, Yonghai Chen, Xiuwen Chen, Weifeng Zhang*, Epitaxial growth of nonpolar m-plane AlN film on bare and ZnO buffered m-sapphire, J. Crystal Growth 391, 111, (2014).
16. Caihong Jia, Yonghai Chen, Xianglin Liu, Shaoyan Yang, Weifeng Zhang, and Zhanguo Wang, Control of epitaxial relationships of ZnO/SrTiO3 heterointerfaces by etching the substrate surface, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 8, 23, (2013).
17. Caihong Jia, Yonghai Chen, Yuchao Jiang, Fengqi Liu, Shengchun Qu, Weifeng Zhang, and Zhanguo Wang, Photoluminescence of porous InP filled with ferroelectric polymers, Appl. Phys. A. 111, 695-699, (2013).
18. C. H. Jia, Q. C. Dong, and W. F. Zhang*, Effect of incorporating copper on resistive switching properties of ZnO films, J. Alloys Comp. 520, 250, (2012).
19. C. H. Jia, Y. H. Chen, B. Zhang, X. L. Liu, S. Y. Yang, W. F. Zhang, and Z. G. Wang, Taloring the in-plane epitaxial relationship of InN films on (111)SrTiO3 substrates by substrate pretreatment, Appl. Surf. Sci. 258, 2927-2930, (2012).
20. C. H. Jia, Y. H. Chen, B. Zhang, X. L. Liu, S. Y. Yang, W. F. Zhang, and Z. G. Wang, Wurtzite to zincblende transition of InN films on (011) SrTiO3 by decreasing trimethylindium flows, Appl. Phys. A 106, 655-659, (2012).
21. C. H. Jia, Y. H. Chen, Y. Guo, X. L. Liu, S. Y. Yang, W. F. Zhang, and Z. G. Wang, Valence band offset of InN/BaTiO3 heterojunction measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 6, 316, (2011).
22. C. H. Jia, Y. H. Chen, X. L. Zhou, G. H. Liu, Y. Guo, X. L. Liu, S. Y. Yang, and Z. G. Wang, InN layers grown by MOCVD on SrTiO3 substrates, J. Crystal Growth 312, 373-377, (2010).
23. C. H. Jia, Y. H. Chen, X. L. Zhou, A. L. Yang, G. L. Zheng, X.L. Liu, S.Y. Yang, and Z.G. Wang, Valence band offset of ZnO/BaTiO3 heterojunction measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. A 99, 511-514, (2010).
24. C. H. Jia, Y.H. Chen, X. L. Zhou, A. L. Yang, G. L. Zheng, X.L. Liu, S.Y. Yang, and Z.G. Wang, Valence band offset of ZnO/SrTiO3 heterojunction measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 095305, (2009).
25. C. H. Jia, Y. H. Chen, G. H. Liu, X. L. Liu, S. Y. Yang and Z. G. Wang, Structural and optical properties of ZnO films on SrTiO3 substrates by MOCVD, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 015415, (2009).
26. C. H. Jia, Y. H. Chen, W. F. Zhang, Optical properties of aluminium-, gallium- and indium-doped Bi4Ti3O12 films, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 113108, (2009).
27. C. H. Jia, Y. H. Chen, G. H. Liu, X. L. Liu, S. Y. Yang, Z. G. Wang, Growth of c-oriented ZnO films on (001)SrTiO3 substrates by MOCVD, Journal of Crystal Growth 311, 200–204, (2008).
28. C. H. Jia, Y. H. Chen, L. H. Ding, W. F. Zhang, Effect of incorporating nonlanthanoidal indium on optical properties of ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O12 thin films, Appl. Surf. Sci. 253, 9506–9512, (2007)
29. C. H. Jia, Y. H. Chen, X. L. Liu, S. Y. Yang, W. F. Zhang, Valence Band Offsets of ZnO/SrTiO3, ZnO/BaTiO3, InN/SrTiO3, and InN/BaTiO3 Heterojunctions Measured by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Ferroelectrics - Characterization and Modeling, InTech - Open Access Publisher. ISSN: 978-953-307-455-9.
30. J. Sun, C. H. Jia, G. Q. Li, W. F. Zhang*, Control of normal and abnormal bipolar resistive switching by interface junction on In/Nb:SrTiO3 interfaces, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 133506, (2012).