Peng Li[Dr.]
Associate Professor, School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University
Email:lipengnh@163.com, lilipengpeng@henu.edu.cn
Education and Professional Experience
2015- Associate Professor, School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University
2009-2015, PhD. Degree in Optics, Institute of Optics and Electronics, Shanxi University with Prof. Kuanshou Zhang
2005-2009 Bachelor Degree in Physics, College of Physics, Electronics and Engineering, Shanxi University
Research interests
All-solid state laser technology All-solid-state high-power cw laser from visible to mid-infrared
Nonlinear optics materials and devices Optical parametric oscillator, second harmonic generation, sum-frequency generation, difference-frequency generation, 2D material-based absorber
Lecture courses
<Introduction to AdvancedQuantumMechanics>, <Semiconductor Physics>, <Interchangeability and Technical Measurement>, <Laser and Human Civilization> <ModernPhysicsExperiments>, <General Physics Experiment>
1.Peng Li(#),Xiaoxia Gao, and Yuzong Gu (*), Analysis of output characteristics of intracavity-frequency-doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator,Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 54, 091901 (2017)
2.Peng Li(#),Yuanji Li, Jinxia Feng, and Kuanshou Zhang (*), Theoretical and experimental investigation of the singly resonant optical parametric oscillator under double-pass pumping,Applied Optics, 2015, 54 (14): 4374-4379.
3.PengLi(#),Yuanji Li, and Kuanshou Zhang (*), Stable low noise 1.5mm laser generated by a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator,Laser Physics Letters, 2015, 12: 045401.
4.Peng Li(#),Yayun Ma, Dandan Nie, Jinxia Feng, and Kuanshou Zhang (*), Continuous-wave single-frequency 1.5mm laser generated by a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator,Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2014, 41 (8), 0802008.