Name: Hao Deng

Gender:Male Position:Teacher
Department:Communications Engineering
Short Biography:Hao Deng received the Ph.D degrees in information and communication engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2016. He is currently a lecturer with the school of physics and electronics, Henan University, Kaifeng, China.
Research interests:physical-layer security of wireless communications and heterogeneous cellular networks.
Major publications:
[1] Deng H, Wang HM, Yuan J, et al. Secure communication in uplink transmissions: user selection and multiuser secrecy gain[J]. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2016, 64(8): 3492-3506.
[2] Deng H, Wang HM, Guo W, et al. Secrecy transmission with a helper: to relay or to jam[J]. IEEE transactions on information forensics and security, 2015, 10(2): 293-307.
[3] Deng H, Wang HM, Wang W, et al. Dual user selection for security enhancement in uplink multiuser systems[J]. IEEE Communications Letters, 2016, 20(9): 1900-1903.
[4]邓浩,王慧明,王文杰.基于多节点分组协作干扰的无线物理层安全传输[J].中国科学:信息科学. 2014, 44(11): 1482-1494.
[5]Zhang W, Yin Q, Deng H. Differential full diversity spatial modulation and its performance analysis with two transmit antennas[J]. IEEE Communications Letters, 2015, 19(4): 677-680.