Xue Cao

publish date:  05/27/2018 03:15 PM

Name:Cao Xue

Gender:Female Position:


Department:Communication Engineering

Short Biography:

2000/09-2004/07, Heilongjiang University, College of Physical Science and Technology, Bachelor

2004/09-2007/06, Heilongjiang University, College of Physical Science and Technology, Master

2007/07-present,Henan University, College of Physics and Electronics, Teacher

Research interests:

Optical Fiber Communication and Optical Fiber Sensing

Major publications:

1. CaoXue. Optimization of dispersion compensation in optical fiber communication systems.Laser Technology, 2014, 38, 101-104.

2. CaoXue. Investigation on dispersion compensating of respective wavelength in WDM system.Optical Communication Technology, 2013, 37, 18-20.

3. CaoXue, Lixinying. Tunable wavelength fiber laser based on closed cavity.Optical Communication Technology, 2012, 36, 42-43.