Name: Huafang Zhang

Gender:Female Position:Lecturer
E-mail:zhf610@163.comDepartment:School of physics and electronics
Short Biography:
Graduatedfrom the college of Physics and Information Engineering, Jining University, in 2012.
PH.D. -in 2017-from the State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials, Jilin University. The theme of Ph.D. Thesis was “Synthesis of VO2 Micro-nanostructures and Investigations of Their Phase Transitions under Pressure”
Research interests:1. High pressure research. 2.Up-conversion luminescent materials.
Major publications:
1.Huafang Zhang, Benyuan Cheng, Quanjun Li, Bingbing Liu, and Yanli Mao,Morphology-Tuned Phase Transitions of Horseshoe Shaped BaTiO3, Nanomaterials under High Pressure J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 5188−5194
2.Huafang Zhang, Quanjun Li, Pengfei Shen, Qing Dong, Bo Liu, Ran Liu, Tian cui, and Bingbing Liu*, The structural phase transition process of freestanding monoclinic vanadium dioxide micronsized rods: temperature-dependent Raman study. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 83139
3.Huafang Zhang,Quanjun Li, Benyuan Cheng, Zhou Guan, Ran Liu, Bo Liu, Zhenxian Liu, Xiaodong Li, Tian Cui, and Bingbing Liu*, The pressure-induced metallization of monoclinic vanadium dioxide. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 104949-104954
4.Huafang Zhang,Zhou Guan, Benyuan Cheng, Quanjun Li, Ran Liu*, Jing Zhang, Zhenxian Liu, Ke Yang, Tian Cui, Bingbing Liu*,Optical properties and structural phase transitions of W-doped VO2(R) under pressure. RSC Adv, 2017, 7, 31597 - 31602
5.Huafang Zhang, Quanjun Li, Benyuan Cheng, Ke Xu, Leilei Lan, Shijia Zhao, Yingai Li, Tian Cui, and Bingbing Liu*, A Facile Method to Control the Diameter of Monoclinic Vanadium Dioxide Rods. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.2017, 17, 2791–2795
6. Quanjun Li,Huafang Zhang, Ran Liu, Bo Liu, Dongmei Li, Lirong Zheng, Jing Liu, Tian Cui and Bingbing Liu*,Nanosize effects assisted synthesis of the high pressure metastable phase in ZrO2, Nanoscale, 2015, 8, 2412-2417
7. Quanjun Li,Huafang Zhang, Chuanlong Lin, Fubo Tian, Jesse S. Smith, Changyong Park, Bingbing Liu,,* and Guoyin Shen, Pressure-induced phase transitions and insulator-metal transitions in VO2 nanoparticles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017,709,260-266 IF=3.014
8. Quanjun Li,Huafang Zhang, Benyuan Cheng, Ran Liu, Bo Liu, Jing Liu, Zhiqiang Chen, Bo Zou, Tian Cui, and Bingbing Liu, Pressure-induced amorphization in orthorhombic Ta2O5: An intrinsic character of crystal, Journal of Applied Physics 2014, 115, 193512
9. Benyuan Cheng, Quanjun Li,Huafang Zhang, Ran Liu, Bo Liu, Zhen Yao, Tian Cui, Jing Liu, Zhenxian Liu, Bertil Sundqvist, and Bingbing Liu *, Pressure induced metallization and amorphization in VO2(A) nanorods, Physical Review B 2016, 93,184109