Zhenkun Wu[Dr.]
Associate Professor, School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University
Education and Professional Experience
2016-At present,Associate Professor, School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University
2010-2015, PhD. Degree inElectronicScience andTechnology, Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education,Xi’an Jiaotong Universitywith Prof.Yanpeng Zhang and Yiqi Zhang
Research interests
1.Optical vortex, soliton and rogue waves formation in bulk media, optical lattices and atomic vapors.

2.Self-accelerating nondiffracting beams and related topics.

Lecture courses
<Engineering Circuit Analysis>, <Semiconductor Physics>, <General Physics Experiment>
[1]Zhenkun Wu,et al.,Evolution of finite energy Airy beams in cubic-quintic atomic vapor system.Front. Phys., 13(1), 134201 (2018).
[2]Zhenkun Wu,et al.,Self-accelerating Airy–Laguerre–Gaussian light bullets in two-dimensional strongly nonlocal nonlinear medium.Opt. Express., 25, 30468 (2017).
[3]Zhenkun Wu,et al., Cubic-quintic condensate solitons in four-wave mixing.Phys. Rev. A., 88(6), 063828 (2013).
[4]Zhenkun Wu,et al., Laguerre–Gaussian, Hermite–Gaussian, Bessel–Gaussian, and Finite–Energy Airy Beams Carrying Orbital Angular Momentum in Strongly Nonlocal Nonlinear Media. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 85, 124402 (2016).
[5]Zhenkun Wu,et al.,Dynamics of finite energy Airy beams carryingorbital angular momentum in multilevel atomic vapors.J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 85, 104302(2016).
[6]Zhenkun Wu,et al.,Solitons of four-wave mixing in competing cubic-quintic nonlinearity.Opt. Express., 23, 8430 (2015).
[7]Zhenkun Wu,et al.,Vacuum Rabi splitting of four- and six-wave mixings in a ring cavity.J. Phys. B., 48(10),105201 (2015).
[8]Zhenkun Wu,et al.,Observation of eight-wave mixing via electromagnetically induced transparency.Europhys. Lett., 94(6), 64005 (2011).
[9]Zhenkun Wu,et al.,The Interaction of Peregrine Solitons.Chin. Phys. Lett.,31, 090502(2014).
[11]WU Zhen-Kun,et al.,Multi-wave mixing Autler-Townes splitting in the five-level atomic system.Science China., 54(9), 1600-1607 (2011).
[12]Zhenkun Wu*(通讯作者),et al.,Comparison of dressed probe transmission, four-wave mixing, and fluorescence in multilevel systems.J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., 30, 1885 (2013).
[13]Zhenkun Wu, et al.,Coherent control of dressed images of four-wave mixing.Front. Phys,8, 228 (2013).