LiJia Chen

publish date:  05/27/2018 02:44 PM

Name: Lijia Chen



Position:Associate Professor Department:College of Physics and Electronics


Short Biography:

Lijia Chen, male, received a bachelor's degree in computer communications engineering from Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 2003 and a Ph.D. degree in communications and information systems from Wuhan University in 2008. Since 2008, he has taught at the College of Physics and Electronics, Henan University. More than ten papers on SCI or EI have been published in relevant fields, and he has hosted or participated in several research projects.


Research interests:

The research direction is the evolution calculation method and its application, deep learning method and its application in pattern recognition, linear or nonlinear system identification. The current research focuses on evolutionary algorithms and their applications in the design and optimization of linear and nonlinear system structures.





Major publications:


